Certification & Implementation of Control Systems for Wood, Paper & Their Derivatives


Do you need consultation and implementation?

About Us

Shterev Consult Ltd. executes certification under the accreditation of renowned European certification bodies and consulting of companies under the international standard for wood and paper.

We can analyze the activity of your company, dealing with timber or other forest products – we will compile the necessary documents and prepare your leading staff.

In the process of consulting we put in our long years of experience in the area of furniture and timber processing industry, paper and packaging production, so that you keep in step with the actual market requirements.

Learn more about other aspects of our business.

Features of Our Approach to Consultation & Certification

We stand on making our developed systems comprehensible, accessible and easily usable

We strive to use all available resources of our clients, in order to cover the requirements of the standards with minimum finance, time and staff expenses

We provide support and cooperation to solving of different problems, also after issuing the certificate

The systems for certifying of wood and paper developed by us could be combined with other similar one – ISO items (9001, 14000, 27000), that saves money and time for our clients

We could help you to participate in different training courses about quality systems. They would be carried out by reputable experts, issuing the relevant certificate

Are you ready to be certified to the international standard?

Why FSC® Certification?

The certificate opens opportunities for access to new market segments without need of any investment in constructing, machines, production facilities, new staff and advertising

The certificate improves the public image of the company among the clients in the highest price segment

Nature preservation and sustainable forest management are modern and utmost topics

Similar measures will be more and more funded by national and European programs

The certificate provides a direct link between the forest and the end customer

You will contribute to the climate change combat

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